Since 1988 I have been involved in Can Serrat - an Artist Residency located in an old farmhouse near the Montserrat Mountain in the small village El Bruc 40 km from Barcelona.
As a group of 11 very young Norwegian students together with our art teacher, we bought a beautiful large half-ruin of an old Masía in the Catalonian countryside. Together and with help from literally hundreds - friends, strangers, local builders, generations of Norwegian Art School students, passers-by, artists-in-residence and good village people, we have created a place in the world.
It is a place for work and play, food, stories – likely and unlikely encounters and collaborations.
Several thousand people – children, artists, writers, students, travelers, friends and family from all over the world have spent time at Can Serrat in the 30 years that have passed.
The stories and secrets are endless.
Can Serrat has been a very important project for many - myself included. A lot of us keep going back.
Currently it is run by clever younger people from Catalonia, France and the US
I recommend it to everyone.